Adherence of L. amylovorus strains to mucus The adherence of the L. amylovorus strains to commercially available porcine gastric mucins and to mucus isolated from the small intestine of a 8-week old pig were examined using L. amylovorus cells labeled by the DNA-binding stain SYTO®9 (Figure 1). None of the strains bound extensively to porcine gastric mucins, i.e., typically less than 1% of the original amount of cells remained mucin-bound (Figure 1A). The same was true for porcine intestinal mucus, where the proportion of adhering bacterial cells was usually 2% or less (Figure 1B). The very high variation between the experiments and the lack of any consistent dose–response of binding (data not shown) supported the conclusions. Figure 1 Adherence of L. amylovorus strains to mucus. The adherence of L. amylovorus strains to immobilized porcine gastric mucin (type II, Sigma) (A) and to mucus purified from porcine small intestine (B) was studied using bacterial cells labeled with the fluorescent dye SYTO®9. The means and standard deviations of 5–8 independent experiments are shown, each with three technical replicates. A