Shaheen et al47UK n=14,541 pregnant women and 14,062 children; cohort Early wheezing phenotypes at 2.5 years; wheezing at 3.5 years; asthma, wheezing at 7 years; lung function and bronchial responsiveness at 8–9 years PCA: 5 dietary patterns (“health conscious”, “traditional”, “processed”, “vegetarian” and “confectionery”); 51-item FFQ Maternal dietary patterns were not associated with asthma and related outcomes after adjusting for confounding variables Energy intake, maximum smoked, infections, antibiotics and paracetamol use during pregnancy; maternal education level, housing tenure, financial difficulties, prepregnancy BMI, ethnicity, age, parity, history of asthma, eczema, rhinoconjunctivitis, migraine; child’s sex, gestational age, breast fed in first 6 months, day care at 8 months, multiple pregnancy, pets in infancy, damp/condensation/mold, child exposed to environmental tobacco smoke, season of birth, season of FFQ completion, birth weight, head circumference, birth length 8 (positive)