Table 3 Summary of 14 studies reporting the association between dietary patterns and asthma outcomes in children Studya and location Sample and study design Asthma outcome Dietary pattern Primary results Adjusted confounders Quality score (rating)b de Cássia Ribeiro Silva et al41Brazil n=1,187; 6–12 years; 47% girls; cross-sectional Current wheezing PCA: 2 dietary patterns (“prudent” and “Western”); 97-item FFQ Western pattern was positively associated with wheeze (OR 1.77, 95% CI 1.10–2.84). Age, sex, education of caregivers, per capita income, number of people living in the household, presence of smokers in the house, BMI, stages of sexual maturity, physical activity, energy intake, the other dietary pattern 8 (positive) Lee et al43Taiwan, People’s Republic of China n=2,082; 8.5±1.7 years; 47% girls; cross-sectional Current asthma, current severe asthma, nocturnal cough, exercise-induced wheeze, ever asthma RRR: 1 unhealthy dietary pattern; 21-item FFQ The unhealthy dietary pattern (high consumption of fast foods, high fat snacks, candy, and cheese, low consumption of fruits, vegetables, and rice) was positively associated with current asthma (OR 2.42, 95% CI 1.19–4.93), current severe asthma (OR 4.45, 95% CI 1.59–12.5), and nocturnal cough (OR 1.82, 95% CI 1.07–3.11). Age, sex, BMI z-score, older sibling number, mother’s education level, parental asthma history, ambient nitrogen oxides concentration, seasonal effect 8 (positive) Tromp et al32The Netherlands n=2,173; cohort Wheezing, shortness of breath at the age of 2, 3, and 4 years PCA: 2 dietary patterns (“health conscious” and “Western”); 211-item FFQ Higher adherence to “Western” pattern was positively associated with frequent wheeze (RR 1.39; 95% CI 1.02–1.89) at 3 years of age and frequent shortness of breath (RR 1.44; 95% CI 1.03–2.01) at 4 years of age. These associations were partially explained by energy intake. Maternal age, maternal socioeconomic status, smoking during pregnancy, parental history of atopy, multiple parities, standard deviation score birth weight, sex, breastfeeding, vitamin D supplementation at 6–12 months, day care attendance in the first 2 years of life, and history of cow’s milk allergy in the first year 9 (positive) Grigoropoulou et al34Greece n=1,125; 10–12 years; 53% girls; cross-sectional Ever asthma (symptoms) Mediterranean diet; 63-item FFQ Higher Mediterranean score was associated with a lower prevalence of ever asthma (OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.77–0.91). Environmental factors (details unknown) 9 (positive) Gonzalez Barcala et al35Spain n=14,700: 6–7-year age group, 6.5±0.5 years, 49% girls; 13–14-year group, 13.5±0.5 years; 51% girls; cross-sectional Prevalence and severity of ever asthma Mediterranean diet (quartiles); FFQ (number of items unknown) No protective effect of Mediterranean diet was found.Higher adherence of the diet was associated with a higher risk of severe asthma (OR 2.26, 95% CI 1.21–4.22) in girls aged 6–7 years. BMI, parental smoking, maternal education 8 (positive) Romieu et al33Mexico n=158 asthmatic (mean 9.6 years; 38% girls) and 50 nonasthmatic (mean 9.3 years; 60% girls); cohort Inflammatory response (IL-8) and lung function (FEV1, FVC) Fruit and vegetable index and a Mediterranean diet index; 108-item FFQ In asthmatic children, fruit and vegetable index was negatively associated with IL-8 levels in nasal lavage (P=0.013); Mediterranean diet index was positively associated with FEV1 (P=0.045) and FVC (P=0.018). Fruit and vegetable index was a significant modifier for the effect of ozone on FEV1 (P=0.023) and FVC (P=0.008) and Mediterranean diet was a modifier for the effect of ozone on FVC (P=0.02). Sex, BMI, previous day minimum temperature, corticoid use, chronological time 8 (positive) Arvaniti et al36Greece n=700; 10–12 years; 54% girls; cross-sectional Ever asthma, asthma symptom, ever wheeze, exercise wheeze Mediterranean diet; 63-item FFQ Higher adherence to Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower prevalence of ever asthma, any asthma symptom, ever wheeze, and exercise wheeze (all P<0.005). Age, sex, BMI, physical activity status, energy intake 8 (positive) Nagel et al4420 countries n=50,004; 8–12 years; cross-sectional Ever asthma, current wheeze, and atopic wheeze Mediterranean diet; FFQ (number of items unreported) Higher adherence to Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower prevalence of ever asthma (OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.92–0.99) and current wheezing (OR 0.97, 95% CI 0.94–0.99). Age, sex, environmental tobacco smoke, parental atopy, exercise, number of siblings 8 (positive) Castro-Rodriguez et al37Spain n=1,784; 4.08±0.8 years; cross-sectional Current wheeze Mediterranean diet; FFQ (number of items unreported) Mediterranean diet was a protective factor for current wheezing (OR 0.54, 95% CI 0.33–0.88). Age, birth weight, livestock during pregnancy, delivery by cesarean, antibiotic consumption during the first year, acetaminophen consumption during the previous 12 months, rhinoconjunctivitis, dermatitis, paternal asthma, maternal asthma, maternal age, maternal education level, current paternal smoking, current maternal smoking, vigorous physical activity frequency, cats at home in the last 12 months 8 (positive) De Batlle et al42Mexico n=1,476; 6–7 years; cross-sectional Ever asthma, ever wheezing, current wheezing Mediterranean diet; 70-item FFQ Adherence to Mediterranean diet was negatively associated with ever asthma (OR 0.60, 95% CI 0.40–0.91) and ever wheezing (OR 0.64, 95% CI 0.47–0.87). Sex, maternal education, exercise, current tobacco smoking at home, maternal asthma, maternal rhinitis 8 (positive) Chatzi et al38Spain n=460 children aged 6.5 years; cross-sectional Persistent wheeze, atopic wheeze Mediterranean diet; 96-item FFQ Adherence to Mediterranean diet was not associated with either asthma outcome. Sex, maternal and paternal asthma, maternal social class and education, BMI, total energy intake 8 (positive) Chatzi et al39Greece n=690; 7–18 years; 52% girls; cross-sectional Current and ever wheezing, wheezing ever with atopy Mediterranean diet; 58-item FFQ High adherence to Mediterranean diet was not associated with current and ever wheezing. Age categories, sex, BMI, parental asthma, number of older siblings 8 (positive) Garcia-Marcos et al40Spain n=20,106; 6–7 years; cross-sectional Current occasional asthma, current severe asthma Mediterranean diet; 15-item FFQ Mediterranean diet was a protective factor for current severe asthma in girls (OR 0.90, 95% CI 0.82–0.98). Older and younger siblings, maternal smoking 8 (positive) Sanchez-Solis et al19Spain n=683; 6–8 years; cross-sectional Clinical significant asthma Mediterranean diet; 26-item FFQ Mediterranean diet was a protective factor for clinical significant asthma, independent of percent body fat (OR 0.78, 95% CI 0.61–0.97). Adjusted, but not specified NAc Notes: a Last 8 studies were included in a previously published meta-analysis study;14 b quality was scored and rated independently using the American Dietetic Association Quality Criteria Checklist c this conference abstract was not rated due to insufficient information. Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; FFQ, food frequency questionnaire; OR, odds ratio; PCA, principal component analysis; FVC, forced vital capacity; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in one second; IL, interleukin; RR, relative risk; RRR, reduced rank regression.