The release rate for rhBMP-2 was evaluated by impregnating rhBMP-2 into the hyaluronic acid-based powder gel composite. The experiment was carried out by impregnating rhBMP-2 into the composite and then analyzing the rhBMP-2 release, as detected by an antigen-antibody reaction and ELISA analysis. A collagen type I sponge (Bioland, Ochang, South Korea), which is currently used as a periodontal tissue regeneration-inducing agent in dentistry, was impregnated with 100 µg rhBMP-2 and used for comparison. The release patterns from the sponge and the composite were analyzed following treatment with hyaluronidase (100 units/ml) and collagenase (20 CDU/ml) (Sigma, USA) for 7 days, and incubation at 37 °C in PBS [18, 19].