All mice were maintained under identical conditions recommended by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Northwestern University. Men1+/− (FVB;129S-Men1tm1Ctre) mice were obtained from the Jackson Laboratory. These mice were developed on a mixed FVB/N, 129S6 background 3. Cdk4+/− mice and Cdk2+/− mice were generated in the C57BL/6; 129sv mixed background as previously described 14, 18. Men1+/− mice were bred with Cdk4+/− mice or Cdk2+/− mice to generate mice doubly heterozygous for Men1 and Cdk4, or Men1 and Cdk2. Subsequently, Men+/−; Cdk4−/− mice and Men+/−; Cdk2−/− mice were generated by intercross breeding of double heterozygotes in each group. Mice were genotyped by PCR and monitored as described previously 3, 14, 18. Cohorts were housed and analyzed in a common setting. All mice were sacrificed and subjected to necropsy at 15 months of age. At least 10 animals were analyzed per genotype. Our previous study demonstrated that a majority of Cdk4−/− males and some females develop diabetes mellitus within 8 weeks of age and many of them die in several months with hyperglycemia 14. Thus, blood glucose levels were measured weekly on male Cdk4+/− mice beginning at 6 weeks of age, and periodically on female Cdk4+/− mice using a Precision Extra glucometer (Abbott Laboratories). To prevent diabetic Cdk4+/− mice from premature death, Linbit insulin implants (LinShin Canada, Inc) were delivered subcutaneously to transiently anesthetized mice when random blood glucose measurements exceeded 250 mg/dl. Physical conditions of all mice were carefully monitored on daily basis until the 15-month endpoint.