Topical propranolol 1% ointment has been used successfully in the treatment of superficial IHs, especially as an adjuvant therapy during the wait-and-watch period. Kunzi-Rapp et al. in their series of 45 cases of superficial haemangiomas, used propranolol 1% ointment locally twice daily.[54] Of the 65 haemangiomas treated, 59% showed regression and 26% had cessation of growth. In 15% of the cases, no response was seen. Concomitant use of propranolol ointment with pulsed dye laser (PDL) in two of their cases of ulcerated haemangioma led to healing of ulcers in 3 and 6 weeks, respectively. In a retrospective chart review by Xu et al., 16 (57%) out of 28 haemangiomas demonstrated good response, 9 (33%) showed partial response and 3 (10%) had no response.[55] No side-effects have been reported so far.