Samples We used data from 9,247 PsV-affected individuals and 13,589 control individuals obtained from six case-control PsV data sets, including four GWASs (the Collaborative Association Study of Psoriasis [CASP] and the Genizon, Kiel, and PsA GWASs), a targeted deep follow-up study of CASP (the CASP-DFU), and one Immunochip-based data set of 3,723 affected and 7,595 control subjects (the Psoriasis Association Genetics Extension [PAGE] study), for a total of 9,247 affected and 13,589 control individuals (Table S1, available online).7,9,12 Genotype data of the studies were generated and stringently quality-control (QC) filtered as described elsewhere,7,9,12 and all samples were confirmed to be unrelated individuals of European ancestry according to self-reported ethnicity and results of principal-component (PC) analysis. All participating individuals provided written informed consent and were recruited according to the protocols approved by the institutional review board of each institution.