(B) A DAPPLE network of 151 genes (Table S15) from the genes in (A) shows direct interactions between associated proteins according to the InWeb database. Nodes represent genes and are colored according to gene-set membership depicted in (A): genes identified from our de novo CNVs by NETBAG (red nodes), genes affected by de novo LoF SNVs from published exome sequencing studies (blue nodes), genes affected by hemizygous LoF SNVs on the X chromosome of males (white nodes), and genes known to be implicated in ASD (yellow nodes). Other node colors (orange, purple, green, dark yellow, or dark purple) correspond to genes present in two or more lists. Edges represent significant direct protein-protein interactions (as defined by a common interactor binding degree of 2) in the InWeb database. Shaded ovals represent enriched biological functions common among 10% or more genes in the network, and their colors represent functional themes shared among Figures 4A, 4B, and 5B.