Evacuation (43)Group 1 Evacuation with resection and repair (45)Group 2 P-value Duration of ventilator support (days) 13.61 ± 14.88 7.18 ± 8.05 0.015 Duration of chest tube use 16.65 ± 12.56 11.24 ± 4.55 0.010 Positive microbial cultures in sputum 28 (65.1%) 16 (35.6%) 0.006 Positive microbial cultures in pleural effusions 20 (46.5%) 8 (17.8%) 0.004 Secondary VATS 6 (14.0%) 2 (4.4%) 0.121 ICU LOS 16.60 ± 16.90 8.11 ± 4.91 0.003 In-hospital LOS 34.07 ± 24.23 19.38 ± 11.39 0.001 Mortality 2 (4.7%) 0 0.143