10.1371/journal.pone.0077762.g002 Figure 2 Performance in the full reversal, perseverance and learned non-reward tests in the SB242084 (a–b) and 5-HT2CR KO experiments (c–d). Asterisk denote differences at which p<.05. (a) Significant main effect of test (F2,61 = 13.10, p<.0001) and a near significant drug × test interactions (F2, 61 = 3.13, p = .051) on trials to criterion. SB242084 decreased trials to criterion in the perseverance test (F1,20 = 4.54, p = .046) and increased trials to criterion in the learned non-reward test (F1,22 = 4.44, p = .047). (b) Significant main effects of test condition (F2, 61 = 9.65, p<.0001) and drug × test interactions (F2, 61 = 3.46, p = .037) on incorrect responses to criterion. SB242084 decreased incorrect responses to criterion in the perseverance test (F1,20 = 5.96, p = .024). (c-d) Significant main effects of genotype on trials (F1,26 = 5.83, p = .023) and incorrect responses (F1,26 = 4.45, p<.045) to criterion in the perseverance test. Genotype had no significant effects on performance in the full reversal and learned non-reward tests.