6.2. Osterosarcoma Xenograft Specimens Ten human osterosarcoma xenograft specimens were collected, and each was treated with saline (as control) and three chemotherapeutic treatments: cisplatin (CIS), doxorubicin (DOX) and ifosfamide (IFO). The total RNAs were isolated from each sample and analyzed with the following three platforms: (a) miRCURY LNA MicroRNA Array (Exiqon Inc.; Vedbaek, Denmark, based on miRbase 9.2); (b) Luminex FlexmiR MicroRNA Human Panel; and (c) TaqMan Array Human MicroRNA Panel (Applied Biosystems,Foster City, CA, USA, v2.0). A total of 577 human miRNAs were profiled with the LNA array, 391 with the Luminex bead array and 664 with the TaqMan array, where a total of 213 miRNAs were shared by all three platforms [37,40,41,58,59].