Isolated medial hypertrophy This abnormality of the vessel wall can be observed in all subgroups of PAH and may even be encountered in other forms of PH, e.g. in mitral valve stenosis. The lesion corresponds to a smooth muscle cell proliferation and / or recruitment within the tunica media; the histological criterion of hypertrophy / hyperplasia is fulfilled, when the diameter of a single medial layer, delimited by its internal and external elastic lamina, exceeds 10 per cent of the arteries cross-sectional diameter (Figure 2A). Isolated hypertrophy of the medial layer may be considered as an early and even reversible event as it has been shown in PH due to hypoxia in high altitude [171]. However, medial hypertrophy is usually associated with other PAH-lesions. Figure 2 Pulmonary arteries of the muscular type displaying obstructive arteriopathy in lungs of patients with PAH. A Medial hypertrophy with smooth muscle cell proliferation and pronounced adventitial fibrosis. Magnification x200, Weigert-hematoxylin-phloxine-saffron staining (WHPS). B Concentric non-laminar intimal fibrosis comprising numerous myofibroblasts (arrows). C Eccentric intimal fibrosis corresponding to organized thrombotic material. Br: bronchus, Ar: pulmonary artery. Magnification x100, HES staining. D Thrombotic lesion, so called "colander-like lesion", with partial recanalization by microvessels. Note the similarity to plexiform lesions (F). Magnification x100, HES. E Concentric laminar intimal fibrosis, so called „onion-skin lesion“. Magnification × 200, HES. F Plexiform lesion with proliferation of small sinusoid-like vessels on a fibrotic matrix. Note surrounding dilated vessels. Magnification x100, HES. G Multiple dilation lesions being the sentinel of the centrally located plexiform lesion. Magnification × 40, Elastica-van-Gieson staining (EvG). H The same plexiform lesion after immunohistochemical staining with anti-CD3, a T-lymphocytic marker. Note the perivascular distribution of the inflammatory infiltrate. Magnification x100. C