VigiBase The WHO Global ICSR database, VigiBase [4], holds reports on suspected ADRs from more than 100 countries around the world. The reporting countries are members of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring and contribute reports from their respective national ADR reporting system. This study was based on reports up until February 5th 2010, when a total of 4,978,565 reports were accumulated in VigiBase. The reported drugs are encoded using the WHO Drug Dictionary Enhanced, which uses the WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification. The selected drugs were studied at the preferred base level. ADRs are encoded in the WHO Adverse Reactions Terminology (WHO-ART) and the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) in parallel. The latter is built up by five levels of hierarchy [5], and this study was carried out at the level of MedDRA preferred terms (PT), which is the fourth of those.