Data extraction and criteria Reports containing the defined terms were extracted from the database and subject to the following selection criteria. Firstly we focused exclusively on reports with a single suspected drug, to circumvent the complexity of multiple suspected drugs with different start dates. Secondly, suspected duplicates were removed using a previously described probabilistic record matching algorithm [17]. Furthermore, reports with imprecise relevant dates, i.e. lacking specified day or month for start of drug treatment or onset of suspected ADR(s) as well as reports with potentially imprecise dates that referred to 01 and/or 15 of a month were excluded. The latter dates are known to sometimes represent estimated dates by the national pharmacovigilance centre, where only the month or the year is known. Finally, to reduce the impact of data quality issues, reports with unspecified gender or age were excluded in addition to reports with negative RTTO or RTTO exceeding patient age.