10.1371/journal.pone.0064525.g005 Figure 5 Effects of MF-438 on metabolism and muscle function. (A) C16:1/C16:0 and C18:1/C18:0 fatty acid ratio in plasma from MF-438 treated mice (brown columns) and control littermates (CT, white columns). ***P<0.001 (Unpaired t-test, n = 4–6). (B) Time course of respiratory quotient (RQ) before and after treatment with MF-438 at a dose of 10 mg/kg body mass/day (indicated by the black bar) (n = 4). Time course of body mass (C), muscle grip strength expressed as a percentage of day 0 (D), and specific grip strength, as determined by normalizing peak force to body mass (E), in mice fed regular chow (white circles) and mice fed regular chow supplemented with MF-438 (black circles). **P<0.01 (2-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni test, n = 5–6). (F) Expression of PGC1-α, AChR-α, and MuSK in gastrocnemius from MF-438 treated mice (brown columns) and control littermates (white columns). *P<0.05 (Unpaired t-test, n = 3–9).