10.1371/journal.pone.0061634.t001 Table 1 List of primers used in real time PCR analyses. * primers were constructed basing on a partial sequence encoding an ABCB gene product from M. galloprovincialis (GenBank Ac Numb EF057747; [50]). A WWW-based database search using the BLAST program at NCBI found that this partial sequence showed a 65.17% and 64.93% nucleotide sequence identity with the human ABCB1 (GenBank Ac. Numb. NM_000927) and ABCB4 (GenBank Ac. Numb. NM_01884) gene sequences, respectively, while sequence identities lower or close to 50% were found with other human ABCB subtypes. Therefore, to avoid misleading information, the Pgp encoding gene from mussel investigated in this study will be referred to as ABCB gene.