(A) EMSA with nuclear extracts from untreated (UN) and 10 hr LPS treated (LPS) RAW 264.7 cells incubated with either the murine SerpinB2 promoter −212/−185 probe containing an intact (SerpinB2 C/EBP) or mutated (mutant C/EBP) C/EBP site or with the rat albumin promoter DEI region C/EBP (rat albumin C/EBP) probe. (B) Cold competition EMSAs performed with the radiolabelled murine SerpinB2 promoter −212/−185 probe and a 100-fold molar excess of each of the double stranded oligonucleotides described in (A) demonstrate the specificity of the DNA-protein complexes. (C) Supershift assays were performed with the −212/−185 probe by after preincubation with the indicated specific C/EBP antibody. The LPS-inducible complex is indicated with an arrowhead.