Ascertaining ROS and hypertension candidate genes With the results of SciMiner, queried with "'Reactive Oxygen Species' [MeSH] AND 'Hypertension' [MeSH]", 574 genes were obtained from 903 ROS-hypertension-related articles; 49 genes were found through the NCBI gene2pubmed data with these 903 papers, and only 2 genes out of 49 genes were new to the 574 SciMiner genes. Three hundred seventeen genes (55%) among the 576 ROS-hypertension genes were referenced in only 1 article (Table 1) and were excluded for further analysis, with 259 genes remaining. Using Ensembl Biomart (NCBI Build 36), we then extracted the position information of 259 genes, and the genes located on chromosomes X, Y, and MT were also excluded. Finally, 237 genes that included SNPs genotype information from KARE data within the gene boundary (±20 kb upstream and downstream of the gene) were selected, and 2,945 SNPs were tested for hypertension association analysis. The frequently mentioned genes (number of papers > 40) in the ROS-hypertension papers are shown in Table 2.