Fig. 2 Schematic representation of genomic rearrangement and gene expression alteration by transposable elements (TEs) in host genome. (A) Classical TE insertion by recognizing 5'-TTAAA-3', (B) non-classical TE insertion, (C) nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR)-mediated deletion, (D) nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ)-mediated deletion, (E) mechanism of gene expression alteration by TEs integrated into the host gene. Depending on location of insertion in the host gene, TEs could generate alternative transcripts or disrupt the expression. ORF, open reading frame; Grey and pink arrow boxes, target site duplication; black line, flanking region; grey line, intervening region; dotted circles, homologous recombination regions; pink boxes, microhomology region.