Study population The initial study population included 200,595 individuals, 20-77 years of age, who visited 16 health promotion centers nationwide from April 2004 to December 2007 in the KCPS-II. Of these, there were 325 confirmed cases of CRC [26], but 132 cases ≥55 years of CRC onset age were excluded to obtain early-onset CRC cases. For controls, they were recruited from the Korean Metabolic Syndrome Research Initiative study, a part of KCPS-II, in Seoul, initiated in December 2005. A total of 9,128 individuals were recruited in 2006, and an additional 17,569 individuals were recruited in 2007. Therefore, the total Seoul cohort included 26,697 volunteers. Volunteers from the first round had routine health examinations at the Health Promotion Center in university hospitals between January 2006 and December 2007. From this total, 1,004 individuals were genotyped using Affymetrix Genomewide Human SNP Array 5.0 (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA). However, 10 of 1,004 individuals were removed because of low genotyping call rates (<95%), and 4 individuals were shown to have biological relatives; so, one member of each pair was excluded. Eleven and 2 individuals were also excluded as a result of gender mismatches [27]. An additional 6 cases and 1 control were excluded due to missing anthropometric measurements (height, weight, BMI, waist circumstance [WC], and blood pressure [BP]) and self-reported questionnaire information (smoking status and alcohol consumption). A detailed description of the KCPS-II study design and methods of selection of controls in this study are published elsewhere [27]. Therefore, a total of 1,163 participants (men, 687; women, 476) were included in this study: 187 cases (men, 133; women, 54) and 976 controls (men, 554; women, 422). A written consent form was signed by all study participants, and the Institutional Review Board of Yonsei University approved the study protocol.