Genotyping After direct sequencing of the AKT2 and AKT3 genes, we performed genotyping for the 8 polymorphisms of the AKT2 and AKT3 genes. The genotypes of the AKT2 and AKT3 polymorphisms were screened by TaqMan fluorogenic 5' nuclease assay (ABI). The final volume of the PCR was 5 µL, containing 10 ng of genomic DNA, and 2.5 µL TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix, with 0.13 µL of 40 × Assay Mix. Thermal cycle conditions were as follows: 50℃ for 2 min to activate uracil N-glycosylase and prevent carryover contamination, 95℃ for 10 min to activate the DNA polymerase, and 45 cycles of 95℃ for 15 s and 60℃ for 1 min. All PCRs were performed using 384-well plates on a Dual 384-Well GeneAmp PCR System 9700 (ABI), and the endpoint fluorescent readings were performed on an ABI PRISM 7900 HT Sequence Detection System (ABI). Duplicate samples and negative controls were included to ensure accuracy of genotyping.