Genotyping, imputation, and GWAS Korean samples used in the East Asian T2DM meta-analysis have been described by Cho et al. [9]. The samples included 1,042 cases with T2DM and 2,943 controls from the Korea Association Resource (KARE) project that were recruited from Ansan and Ansung population-based cohorts, aged 40 to 69. We used the p-values of both the original unimputed (259,188 SNPs) and imputed (1,152,947 SNPs) genotypes, based on Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP array 5.0 (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA), that were made by removing samples and markers that failed a quality control test [10]. SNP imputation has been described by Cho et al. [9]. Briefly, IMPUTE, MACH, and BEAGLE were used, together with haplotype reference panels from the Japanese (JPT) and Han Chinese (CHB) samples that are available in the HapMap database on the basis of HapMap build 36.