Upregulated 51 genes in oral squamous cell carcinoma To identify differently expressed genes between normal and tumor tissues, we performed chi-square test using a combined microarray dataset. Fifty-one significant genes were selected from a combined dataset with p-value less than 0.005, which were upregulated in OSCC tissues. The significance level can be controlled, and more genes can be selected with a lower significance level. These selected genes are summarized in Table 5. Many genes among the selected genes were known as cancer-related genes. STAT1 [6], SKP2 [7], IFI16 [8], RHEB [9], FIF44 [10], SOD2 [11, 12], and GREM1 [11] are related to OSCC. Table 6 [13-56] summarizes the previous studies that have published the relations of selected genes with cancer.