10.1371/journal.pone.0041912.g002 Figure 2 Structure-based sequence alignments of human RON and Met Sema-PSI. Residues are colored as follows: Identical residues (red), and conservatively replaced residues (blue) are boxed. Cysteines are colored gold. Matching colored symbols indicate pairs of cysteines that form disulfide bonds. Secondary structure units of RON and Met are labeled. The blue dots above the RON Sema residues indicate amino acids at the symmetry-related RON Sema-Sema interface as discussed in the text. The blue dots below the Met Sema sequence show residues that contact the HGFβ ligand (PDB code 1SHY) (Stamos et al., 2004). This figure was prepared with ESPript (espript.ibcp.fr/Espript/).