Our previous work has described human ACDP genes [1]. The new information of the current work includes: 1). It is the first time to report the existence of multiple Acdp genes in other mammals in addition to human, while Acdp appears to be a single copy gene in lower organisms such as in C. elegans, yeasts and bacteria. We have also suggested the evolutionary relationships of Acdp genes in different species (phylogenetic tree); 2). Molecular cloning and characterization of murine Acdp gene family are essential for study of this novel gene family in animal model, e.g. for generation of knockout or transgenic models; 3). We have demonstrated both DNA and amino acid conservations between mouse and human for each Acdp gene and the whole Acdp gene family, which provide important information for the possibility of functional redundancy or overlap between Acdp members; 4). We have generated antibodies specific for Acdp1 and all Acdp proteins. The Acdp1 C-terminus antibody appears to specifically recognize Acdp1. Using this antibody, we have demonstrated that Acdp1 is predominantly localized on the plasma membrane in hippocampus neurons. These results represent an important step towards the characterization of functions for the Acdp gene family.