> top > docs > PMC:3342329 > spans > 11084-11289 > annotations

PMC:3342329 / 11084-11289 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17726 93-97 Protein denotes CCR5
T17740 93-97 Protein denotes CCR5


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17714 93-97 Protein denotes CCR5


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18110 93-97 Protein denotes CCR5


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18065 93-97 Protein denotes CCR5


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18253 172-177 NN denotes Death
T18252 167-171 NN denotes Cell
T18251 157-166 JJ denotes Apoptotic
T18250 154-156 IN denotes of
T18249 144-153 NN denotes Induction
T17905 139-141 NN denotes µm
T17904 136-138 CD denotes 50
T17903 126-135 VB denotes indicates
T17902 122-125 NN denotes bar
T17901 116-121 NN denotes Scale
T17900 113-114 -RRB- denotes )
T17899 109-113 CD denotes 0.05
T17898 108-109 SYM denotes <
T17897 107-108 NN denotes p
T17896 106-107 -LRB- denotes (
T17895 101-105 NN denotes mice
T17894 93-100 JJ denotes CCR5+/+
T17893 88-92 IN denotes from
T17892 77-87 NN denotes difference
T17891 65-76 JJ denotes significant
T17890 55-64 VB denotes indicates
T17889 53-54 SYM denotes *
T17888 44-52 NN denotes animals.
T17887 31-43 JJ denotes experimental
T17886 26-30 CD denotes four
T17885 23-25 IN denotes of
T17884 18-22 NNP denotes S.D.
T17883 16-17 VB denotes ±
T17882 10-15 NN denotes means
T17881 6-9 VB denotes are
T17880 1-5 NN denotes Data
T6038 196-199 DT denotes the
T6037 193-195 IN denotes of
T6036 182-192 NN denotes Inhibition
T6035 178-181 CC denotes and
T6034 172-177 NNP denotes Death
T6033 167-171 NNP denotes Cell
T6032 157-166 NNP denotes Apoptotic
T6031 154-156 IN denotes of
T6030 144-153 NN denotes Induction
R4059 T6030 T6031 arg1Of Induction,of
R4060 T6030 T6035 arg1Of Induction,and
R4061 T6034 T6031 arg2Of Death,of
R4062 T6034 T6032 arg1Of Death,Apoptotic
R4063 T6034 T6033 arg1Of Death,Cell
R4064 T6036 T6035 arg2Of Inhibition,and
R4065 T6036 T6037 arg1Of Inhibition,of
R12879 T17880 T17881 arg1Of Data,are
R12880 T17882 T17883 arg1Of means,±
R12881 T17883 T17881 arg2Of ±,are
R12882 T17884 T17885 arg1Of S.D.,of
R12883 T17884 T17889 arg1Of S.D.,*
R12884 T17884 T17890 arg1Of S.D.,indicates
R12885 T17888 T17885 arg2Of animals.,of
R12886 T17888 T17886 arg1Of animals.,four
R12887 T17888 T17887 arg1Of animals.,experimental
R12888 T17890 T17883 arg2Of indicates,±
R12889 T17892 T17890 arg2Of difference,indicates
R12890 T17892 T17891 arg1Of difference,significant
R12891 T17892 T17893 arg1Of difference,from
R12892 T17895 T17893 arg2Of mice,from
R12893 T17895 T17894 arg1Of mice,CCR5+/+
R12894 T17895 T17896 arg1Of mice,(
R12895 T17897 T17896 arg2Of p,(
R12896 T17897 T17898 arg1Of p,<
R12897 T17897 T17899 arg1Of p,0.05
R12898 T17900 T17896 arg3Of ),(
R12899 T17902 T17901 arg1Of bar,Scale
R12900 T17902 T17903 arg1Of bar,indicates
R12901 T17905 T17903 arg2Of µm,indicates
R12902 T17905 T17904 arg1Of µm,50
R13085 T18249 T18250 arg1Of Induction,of
R13087 T18253 T18250 arg2Of Death,of
R13088 T18253 T18251 arg1Of Death,Apoptotic
R13089 T18253 T18252 arg1Of Death,Cell


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17770 93-97 Protein denotes CCR5


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18074 93-97 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P51681 denotes CCR5


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18230 172-177 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0016265 denotes Death
T18229 167-177 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0008219 denotes Cell Death
T18228 157-177 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0006915 denotes Apoptotic Cell Death
T5998 172-177 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0016265 denotes Death
T5997 167-192 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_1904093 denotes Cell Death and Inhibition
T5996 167-192 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0043069 denotes Cell Death and Inhibition
T5995 167-192 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_1901215 denotes Cell Death and Inhibition
T5988 167-177 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0008219 denotes Cell Death
T5982 157-177 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0006915 denotes Apoptotic Cell Death


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18231 167-171 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes Cell
T6005 167-171 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes Cell


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17749 116-142 Sentence denotes Scale bar indicates 50 µm.
T17748 1-115 Sentence denotes Data are means ± S.D. of four experimental animals. * indicates significant difference from CCR5+/+ mice (p<0.05).
T86 1-115 Sentence denotes Data are means ± S.D. of four experimental animals. * indicates significant difference from CCR5+/+ mice (p<0.05).
T87 116-142 Sentence denotes Scale bar indicates 50 µm.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17785 93-97 Protein denotes CCR5


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18088 93-97 Protein denotes CCR5
T6245 182-192 Negative_regulation denotes Inhibition


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18154 93-114 Protein denotes CCR5+/+ mice (p<0.05)
T18150 18-51 Entity denotes S.D. of four experimental animals


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18560 172-177 NN denotes Death
T18559 167-171 NN denotes Cell
T18558 157-166 JJ denotes Apoptotic
T18557 154-156 IN denotes of
T18556 144-153 NNP denotes Induction
T18047 141-142 . denotes .
T18046 139-141 NN denotes µm
T18045 136-138 CD denotes 50
T18044 126-135 VBZ denotes indicates
T18043 122-125 NN denotes bar
T18042 116-121 NNP denotes Scale
T18041 114-115 . denotes .
T18040 113-114 -RRB- denotes )
T18039 109-113 CD denotes 0.05
T18038 108-109 NN denotes <
T18037 107-108 JJ denotes p
T18036 106-107 -LRB- denotes (
T18035 101-105 NNS denotes mice
T18034 99-100 NN denotes +
T18033 98-99 NN denotes /
T18032 97-98 CD denotes +
T18031 93-97 CD denotes CCR5
T18030 88-92 IN denotes from
T18029 77-87 NN denotes difference
T18028 65-76 JJ denotes significant
T18027 55-64 VBZ denotes indicates
T18026 53-54 SYM denotes *
T18025 51-52 . denotes .
T18024 44-51 NNS denotes animals
T18023 31-43 JJ denotes experimental
T18022 26-30 CD denotes four
T18021 23-25 IN denotes of
T18020 18-22 NNP denotes S.D.
T18019 16-17 NNP denotes ±
T18018 10-15 VBZ denotes means
T18017 6-9 VBP denotes are
T18016 1-5 NNS denotes Data
T6295 196-199 DT denotes the
T6294 193-195 IN denotes of
T6293 182-192 NNP denotes Inhibition
T6292 178-181 CC denotes and
T6291 172-177 NNP denotes Death
T6290 167-171 NNP denotes Cell
T6289 157-166 NNP denotes Apoptotic
T6288 154-156 IN denotes of
T6287 144-153 NNP denotes Induction
R13040 T18043 T18044 nsubj bar,indicates
R4260 T6288 T6287 prep of,Induction
R4261 T6289 T6291 compound Apoptotic,Death
R4262 T6290 T6291 compound Cell,Death
R4263 T6291 T6288 pobj Death,of
R4264 T6292 T6291 cc and,Death
R4265 T6293 T6291 conj Inhibition,Death
R4266 T6294 T6293 prep of,Inhibition
R13013 T18016 T18017 nsubj Data,are
R13014 T18017 T18017 ROOT are,are
R13015 T18018 T18017 ccomp means,are
R13016 T18019 T18020 compound ±,S.D.
R13017 T18020 T18018 dobj S.D.,means
R13018 T18021 T18020 prep of,S.D.
R13019 T18022 T18024 nummod four,animals
R13020 T18023 T18024 amod experimental,animals
R13021 T18024 T18021 pobj animals,of
R13022 T18025 T18017 punct .,are
R13023 T18026 T18027 nsubj *,indicates
R13024 T18027 T18027 ROOT indicates,indicates
R13025 T18028 T18029 amod significant,difference
R13026 T18029 T18027 dobj difference,indicates
R13027 T18030 T18029 prep from,difference
R13028 T18031 T18035 nummod CCR5,mice
R13029 T18032 T18035 nummod +,mice
R13030 T18033 T18035 compound /,mice
R13031 T18034 T18035 compound +,mice
R13032 T18035 T18030 pobj mice,from
R13033 T18036 T18035 punct (,mice
R13034 T18037 T18040 dobj p,)
R13035 T18038 T18039 compound <,0.05
R13036 T18039 T18037 nummod 0.05,p
R13037 T18040 T18035 punct ),mice
R13038 T18041 T18027 punct .,indicates
R13039 T18042 T18043 compound Scale,bar
R13041 T18044 T18044 ROOT indicates,indicates
R13042 T18045 T18046 nummod 50,µm
R13043 T18046 T18044 dobj µm,indicates
R13044 T18047 T18044 punct .,indicates
R13304 T18556 T18556 ROOT Induction,Induction
R13305 T18557 T18556 prep of,Induction
R13306 T18558 T18560 amod Apoptotic,Death
R13307 T18559 T18560 compound Cell,Death
R13308 T18560 T18557 pobj Death,of


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6268 182-192 Negative_regulation denotes Inhibition