Figure 6 Effect of sTNFp55R infusion on neutrophil infiltration and MIP-2 expression following SE. (A) Neutrophil infiltration in vasogenic edema lesion 1 day after SE. (B) MIP-2 expression in the PC 1 day after SE. (C) Astroglial expression of MIP-2 (arrows). Bars = 12.5 (A and C) and 150 (B) μm. (D) Quantitative analysis of neutrophil infiltration 1 day after SE (mean ± S.E.M). Significant differences from saline-infused animals, *p < 0.05. (E) Linear regression analysis between the number of infiltrated neutrophils/area in the vasogenic edema region and the area of vasogenic edema in the PC. (F) Quantitative analysis of the number of MIP-2 positive cells per the unit area of vasogenic edema 1 day after SE (mean ± S.E.M). There is no difference in the number of MIP-2-positive cells per unit area of vasogenic edema between sTNFp55R-infused animals and saline-infused animals. (G) Linear regression analysis between the number of MIP-2 positive cells per unit area in vasogenic edema region and the area of vasogenic edema in the PC.