> top > docs > PMC:329117 > spans > 42685-42868 > annotations

PMC:329117 / 42685-42868 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11672 0-183 sentence denotes Of these, six cDNAs showed unusual splicing within the 3' UTR, but the remaining 'territory violators' were found to be artifacts of the analysis process which fell into three types.
T11673 1-3 IN denotes Of
T11674 21-27 VBD denotes showed
T11675 4-9 DT denotes these
T11676 9-11 , denotes ,
T11677 11-14 CD denotes six
T11678 15-20 NNS denotes cDNAs
T11679 28-35 JJ denotes unusual
T11680 36-44 NN denotes splicing
T11681 45-51 IN denotes within
T11682 52-55 DT denotes the
T11683 59-62 NN denotes UTR
T11684 56-57 CD denotes 3
T11685 57-58 SYM denotes '
T11686 62-64 , denotes ,
T11687 64-67 CC denotes but
T11688 68-71 DT denotes the
T11689 93-102 NNS denotes violators
T11690 72-81 VBG denotes remaining
T11691 82-83 `` denotes '
T11692 83-92 NN denotes territory
T11693 109-114 VBN denotes found
T11694 102-103 '' denotes '
T11695 104-108 VBD denotes were
T11696 115-117 TO denotes to
T11697 118-120 VB denotes be
T11698 121-130 NNS denotes artifacts
T11699 131-133 IN denotes of
T11700 134-137 DT denotes the
T11701 147-154 NN denotes process
T11702 138-146 NN denotes analysis
T11703 155-160 WDT denotes which
T11704 161-165 VBD denotes fell
T11705 166-170 IN denotes into
T11706 171-176 CD denotes three
T11707 177-182 NNS denotes types
T11708 182-183 . denotes .
R7306 T11673 T11674 prep Of,showed
R7307 T11675 T11673 pobj these,Of
R7308 T11676 T11674 punct ", ",showed
R7309 T11677 T11678 nummod six,cDNAs
R7310 T11678 T11674 nsubj cDNAs,showed
R7311 T11679 T11680 amod unusual,splicing
R7312 T11680 T11674 dobj splicing,showed
R7313 T11681 T11674 prep within,showed
R7314 T11682 T11683 det the,UTR
R7315 T11683 T11681 pobj UTR,within
R7316 T11684 T11683 nummod 3,UTR
R7317 T11685 T11684 punct ',3
R7318 T11686 T11674 punct ", ",showed
R7319 T11687 T11674 cc but,showed
R7320 T11688 T11689 det the,violators
R7321 T11689 T11693 nsubjpass violators,found
R7322 T11690 T11689 amod remaining,violators
R7323 T11691 T11689 punct ',violators
R7324 T11692 T11689 compound territory,violators
R7325 T11693 T11674 conj found,showed
R7326 T11694 T11693 punct ',found
R7327 T11695 T11693 auxpass were,found
R7328 T11696 T11697 aux to,be
R7329 T11697 T11693 xcomp be,found
R7330 T11698 T11697 attr artifacts,be
R7331 T11699 T11698 prep of,artifacts
R7332 T11700 T11701 det the,process
R7333 T11701 T11699 pobj process,of
R7334 T11702 T11701 compound analysis,process
R7335 T11703 T11704 dep which,fell
R7336 T11704 T11698 relcl fell,artifacts
R7337 T11705 T11704 prep into,fell
R7338 T11706 T11707 nummod three,types
R7339 T11707 T11705 pobj types,into
R7340 T11708 T11674 punct .,showed


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11213 15-20 SO_EXT:cDNA denotes cDNAs
T11214 36-44 GO:0008380 denotes splicing
T11215 56-62 SO_EXT:0000205 denotes 3' UTR


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11121 36-44 GO:0008380 denotes splicing
T11122 56-62 SO:0000205 denotes 3' UTR