We observed very high linkage disequilibrium among the five SNPs in the control population of the pooled data (Figure 2). We thus performed the association study between the haplotypes of these five SNPs and TB susceptibility. As shown in Table 3, haplotype CTTAA (SNPs in the order of rs2227485, rs2227483, rs2227478, rs2227473, and rs2227472) shows very strong association with decreased TB susceptibility, at p-value of 2.12E-6, with OR at 0.04 (95% CI = 0.01–0.35). On the other hand, the haplotype TATGG, which consists of all major alleles, shows significant association with increased TB susceptibility at p-value of 0.01, with OR at 1.49 (95% CI = 1.05–2.13). In the pooled data of the two stages, the p-value is slightly more significant for rs2227478, and a bit less significant for rs2227472, when comparing with stage II alone. The linkage disequilibriums (LDs) of the five SNPs are given in Figure 2, showing moderate LDs.