We also found the amygdala in Zic2kd/+ mice to be morphologically different to that in wild-type mice. In wild-type mice, Zic-positive cells were abundant in the amygdalohippocampal area (AHA) and sparse in the medial and cortical nuclei (Figure 4E). In Zic2kd/+mice, the Zic-positive cells were less abundant than in wild-type mice in the equivalent rostrocaudal positions (Figure 4E, 8/8). Furthermore, the high cell density in the AHA of wild type animals shown in toluidine blue staining seemed reduced and the intense signals detected by acetylcholine esterase staining in the AHA was debilitated (Figure 4E), in Zic2kd/+ mice. As shown by acetylcholine esterase stained sections (Figure 4E), in some cases (6/8), the medial protrusion of the amygdala in the coronal sections tended to be blunted in Zic2kd/+ mice compared to the wild type.