Figure 9 Model for Acquisition of Dorsoventral Patterning in the Trunk and the Role of Tbx15 (A) A tricolor pigmentation pattern is generated by the combination of distinct mechanisms that affect distribution of Agouti mRNA and histochemical staining for melanocytes; effects of the latter mechanism by itself are evident in ae/ae mice (see Figure 1). In at/at mice, reduced hair melanocyte activity and high levels of Agouti mRNA in the ventrum lead to a cream color; as melanocyte activity gradually increases towards the dorsum, a lateral stripe is apparent on the flank. The distributions of Agouti mRNA and histochemical staining for melanocytes are both affected by Tbx15 and are externally evident by a widening of the lateral stripe and an increased proportion of total skin occupied by the cream-colored area. (B) The lateral yellow stripe in at/at mice lies at the same level as the limb dorsoventral boundary. As described in the text, we propose that distinct dorsoventral compartments in ectoderm of the trunk provide an instructional cue to the mesoderm, leading to expression of Tbx15 in dorsal trunk mesenchyme and acquisition of dorsal dermis character. In the absence of Tbx15, dorsal mesenchyme assumes ventral characteristics instead.