Figure 3 Molecular Genetics of deH and Tbx15 (A) Genetic and physical map, as described in the text. Markers M1 to M3 are SSCP markers generated from a BAC contig of the region; marker M4 is STS 16.MMHAP32FLF1 and was also used as an SSCP marker. M2 and M3, which flank the Tbx15 and M6pr-ps on the UCSC genome browser map and lie 634 kb apart, were nonrecombinant with deH in 2340 meioses. (B) The deH mutation is a deletion that starts in Tbx15 intron 1 and ends in the M6pr-ps. (C) Sequence of deletion breakpoints. (D) Diagram of Tbx15LacZ allele constructed by gene targeting. As described in the text, this allele is predicted to give rise to a protein truncated after approximately 154 codons and is lacking critical residues of the T box. Heterozygotes for the targeted allele exhibit normal size, morphology, and hair-color patterns, but homozygotes and Tbx15LacZ/deH compound heterozygotes are identical to deH homozygotes. Using sequence information from Agulnik et al. (1998) and the partially completed mouse genome sequence, we found that portions of several Tbx15 exons could not be amplified from deH/deH genomic DNA.