PMC:3091644 / 18407-19271 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"20649981-18033792-10705682","span":{"begin":32,"end":34},"obj":"18033792"},{"id":"20649981-11811807-10705683","span":{"begin":584,"end":586},"obj":"11811807"},{"id":"20649981-17214910-10705684","span":{"begin":587,"end":589},"obj":"17214910"}],"text":"Structure of tRNAs\nUsing ARWEN [55] nearly all 22 tRNAs, with the conventional secondary structures, were found for each mt genome. Remaining tRNAs were identified using alignment and inferred secondary structures (Additional file 3). Mitochondrial tRNA genes were 55-74 bp long, and the predicted secondary structures of 18 of these had typical clover-leaf shapes with paired dihydrouridine (DHU) arms. The trnC, trnR and two trnS tRNAs contained a predicted secondary structure with the TΨC arm and loop but lacked the DHU arm and loop, as found in some other platyhelminth mtDNAs [15,54]. Anticodons in all 22 tRNAs for all Taenia species are conserved without mutations. The first two nucleotides preceding the anticodons are almost always thymidine, the first nucleotide following the anticodons is usually adenosine or guanosine, and the second is guanosine."}