Expression of CDKN2A in Primary Melanomas High specificity of staining was achieved in the control sections, where in the absence of primary antibody only haematoxylin staining is observed (Fig. 4A). In the presence of primary antibody, intense nuclear and cytoplasmic staining was observed for CDKN2A in some samples (Fig. 4B). In the 17 melanomas tested, the staining pattern varied from absent to strong cytoplasmic and nuclear staining. The level of positive expression of CDKN2A was associated with MLPA results of gene dosage in CDKN2A coding regions for CDKN2A in the majority of tumors (13/17) (Table 2). In the four samples with 80% gene dosage loss, there was a complete absence of CDKN2A expression in the region sampled for DNA extraction (Fig. 4C). In the seven samples with 50% gene dosage loss of the intronic, promoter or coding regions of CDKN2A, there was moderate or absent CDKN2A expression in four samples, while the remaining three showed strong CDKN2A expression. In the six samples that showed normal gene dosage at CDKN2A 5/6 showed strong to moderate CDKN2A expression (Fig. 4D) and one showed no expression of CDKN2A. Figure 4 Immunohistochemistry of CDKN2A in primary tumors. (A) Bladder tumor control minus primary antibody. Some nonspecific stromal staining is visible in the stroma. (B) Strong specific cytoplasmic and nuclear staining in a bladder positive control in presence of primary antibody. (C) Results from representative tumors show very low cytoplasmic staining of CDKN2A from a tumor with a large homozygous deletion of CDKN2A. (D) Strong nuclear and cytoplasmic staining of CDKN2A and unstained normal stromal cells from a tumor which retained 2 copies of CDKN2A. Scale bar = 25 μm. TABLE 2 Summary of CDKN2A Protein Expression Results Determined by Immunohistochemistry Sample Relapse CDKN2A gene dosage CDKN2A expression 1 N ≥ 80% loss intron/promoter 0 2 Y ≥ 80% loss whole gene 0 3 Y ≥ 80% loss whole gene 0 4 Y ≥ 80% loss whole gene 0 5 Y 50% loss promoter 2 6 N 50% loss intron 0 7 N 50% loss intron/gene 1 8 N 50% loss gene 2 9 N 50% loss intron 2 10 Y 50% loss intron 0 11 Y 50% loss intron/promoter 0 12 Y Normal 2 13 N Normal 2 14 N Normal 0 15 N Normal 2 16 Y Normal 2 17 Y Normal 1 Intensity of staining was scored as absent (0), expressed (1), or highly expressed (2). CDKN2A gene dosage determined by MLPA analysis is shown for each tumor sample.