Table 3 displays the fixed effect parameter estimates of the random intercept model. Subjects were taken as random effect, whereas time and MVO/IMH groups were taken as fixed effect factors adjusted for IS. LVEF significantly increased over time (for all groups), showing a significant negative association with IS. Note that the presence of IMH or MVO had no significant independent predictive value for LVEF once adjusted for IS. Table 3 Fixed effect parameter estimates of the random intercept model. Outcome variable: LVEF β (SE) p value Intercept 55.651 (2.086) <0.001 IS −0.452 (0.071) <0.001 Time 2.660 (0.623) <0.001 MVO(−)/IMH(−) −0.023 (1.648) 0.989 MVO(+)/IMH(−) 0.004 (2.059) 0.998 MVO(+)/IMH(+) Reference IS: infarct size. Error and random intercept variances were 15.762 and 20.571, respectively (p < 0.001)