AWBUs Automated whole-breast ultrasound (AWBU) is a computer-based system for performing, recording, and reading whole-breast ultrasound examinations similar in appearance to 2D freehand imaging (SonoCine, Reno, NV). Images were collected with 7- to 12-MHz multi-frequency transducers. The transducer is attached to a computer-guided mechanical arm that acquires images in CC rows overlapping 7 to 10 mm insuring complete coverage of both breasts. Images are collected approximately 0.8 mm apart. The AWBU software creates a ciné loop for review of approximately 3,000 images, simulating real-time imaging. The Windows®-based reading station uses a high-definition 1,600 × 1,200 monitor and special software to increase cancers’ conspicuity. The AWBU procedure was described more fully in a previous publication [9].