Figure 1 Immunohistochemical staining demonstrating effects of sham (control) and 2VO (ischemia) procedure in dorsal and ventral regions of the hippocampus. (A–D) Show sections stained with a neuronal marker NeuN. Note, a severe loss of cells in dorsal CA1 field (arrows) but no obvious cell loss in DG (A,B). Much lesser effect is seen in ventral CA1 (C,D). (E,F) Staining with a neuronal degeneration marker Fluorojade B (FJB) shows clear degeneration in CA1 field in dorsal region. (G,H) Staining with a microglia marker ED1 shows strong inflammatory response in CA1 and Hilus but not in DG. Sections in (A–D) are from representative animals within the 35 day group. Sections in (E–H) are from animals within the 10 day group.