To overcome this problem, one can use confocal microscopy – a method wherein a pinhole in front of the detector improves the axial resolution of detection (White et al., 1987). Confocal microscopy traditionally relied on raster scanning a single excitation beam progressively across all points in the sample. This scanning process limits imaging to ∼0.2–1 s per frame for the majority of commercial systems. To increase speed, the confocal spinning disk with camera-based detection was developed (Nipkow, 1885; Egger and Petran, 1967). In this system, the imaging process is parallelized: multiple beamlets (each with an individual imaging pinhole) scan the sample at the same time, thus reducing the time necessary to scan whole field of view. The modern instantiations of this system allow for imaging at relatively high speeds (30 Hz or more) and are well suited to many basic imaging experiments in vitro (Ikegaya et al., 2004).