Figure 2 Diffractive optical element (DOE)-based high-speed imaging. Adapted from Watson et al. (2009). (Ai) schematic of traditional single beam imaging requiring that a single beam scan of all lines to be imaged necessitating a relatively long scan time per frame. (Bi) Multiple beamlets created by the DOE (each as powerful as the single beamlet used for single beam imaging) simultaneously sweep the field with each beamlet covering a small portion of the territory to quickly excite the entire field of view. (Aii) Image created by scanning across a population of calcium indicator-loaded cells (Fura 2-AM) using single beam scanning and photomultiplier tube detection. Scanning at this resolution and mirror sweep speed was 1 Hz at the fastest. (Bii) DOE 10 Hz scanning of same field of with 11 beamlets and with light gathering using a CCD camera at the same mirror sweep speed. (Aiii) Calcium indicator fluorescence recorded with single beam imaging from a patch clamped neuron indicated by arrow in (Aii). Above: calcium indicator fluorescence versus time of the patch clamped neuron. Below: electrophysiological tracing recorded simultaneously from the same cell as was being imaged, demonstrating periods of induced action potential generation. The first three action potential bursts have two action potentials per burst and are undetectable in the calcium indicator brightness trace, the later bursts have three action potentials each give somewhat clearer signals in the calcium indicator tracing. (Biii) Imaging of calcium transients at 10 Hz using DOE imaging. Bursts of either two or three action potentials are easily detectible in this higher speed scheme, likely due increased sampling rate. All imaging at 800-nm light with detection at 510 nm.