Computations with Phase Code Above we described a conceptual model for neural encoding, information transmission, and decoding (for numerical simulations, see Nadasdy, 2009). For the sake of simplicity, we proved that information reconstruction from the phase code is nearly perfect within as few as four gamma cycles and 100 neurons, given the isomorphism of the SMO phase gradients at the sensory input and the target area (Nadasdy, 2009). Although this latter assumption may seem difficult to maintain under physiological conditions, there is substantial morphological and functional evidence in support of it. For example, multiple loops of the thalamo-cortical projection pathway through the thalamic reticular nucleus provide low- and high-frequency (gamma) links between the thalamus and cortex (Jones, 2002). Visual cortical areas 17 and 18 also synchronize to LGN with a 2.6-ms delay on anesthetized cats (Castelo-Branco et al., 1998). Moreover, a global retina-LGN-cortex synchronization is evident in the high gamma band (Castelo-Branco et al., 1998). On the one hand, incoherency between the encoding and decoding SMO fields would compromise phase coding. On the other hand, a systematic topographic (but not temporal) incoherency of SMO phase gradients between the encoding and decoding structures is where transformations and computations can be implemented. For example, transformations between retinal and head-centered and between head- and body-centered coordinates can be performed by gain fields (Zipser and Andersen, 1988) or by tuning the SMO field, which transforms the map of interferences. According to the phase-coding model, the location of AP–SMO coincidences, i.e., the interference pattern smoothly shifts depending on the relative phases of APs from concurrent inputs reaching the neuron. Moreover, an arsenal of interneurons is deployed to provide fine tuning of the SMO, not unlike to the hippocampus, where each interneuron type specifically calibrates the location and frequency of membrane resonance, thus tuning the SMO in individual neurons to the gradient of the larger SMO field (Cobb et al., 1995).