Table 3 Comparison of multivariate logistic regression models Variables Model 4: Morise et al. 1997 Model 5: Shaw et al. 1998 No calcium score Calcium score No calcium score Calcium score OR 95% CI OR 95% CI OR 95% CI OR 95% CI ln CTCSa (CT calcium score) 1.87 1.50, 2.31 1.86 1.51, 2.30 Intercept Age 1.05 1.01, 1.09 0.99 0.95, 1.03 1.05 1.02, 1.08 0.98 0.95, 1.02 Male sex 3.15 1.29, 7.70 1.37 0.48, 3.95 3.42 1.74, 6.74 2.05 0.94, 4.45 Typical pain 5.56 2.94, 10.51 4.82 2.36, 9.86 5.50 2.96, 10.21 4.91 2.44, 9.90 Smoking 1.53 0.72, 3.24 1.03 0.44, 2.39 1.63 0.80, 3.30 1.04 0.47, 2.27 Dyslipidaemia 3.20 1.29, 7.95 1.80 0.62, 5.22 3.04 1.63, 5.66 1.95 0.96, 3.94 Diabetes 2.66 0.98, 7.26 2.01 0.61, 6.61 2.85 1.10, 7.39 2.24 0.74, 6.75 Age–smoking Age–dyslipidaemia Sex–smoking Age–sex Oestrogen 0.78 0.33, 1.86 0.53 0.19, 1.48 Hypertension 1.83 0.93, 3.60 1.31 0.62, 2.79 Family History 2.02 0.77, 5.29 1.14 0.38, 3.39 Dyslipidaemia–family history 0.74 0.21, 2.60 1.15 0.28, 4.82 Obesity 0.88 0.31, 2.48 0.65 0.20, 2.12 BMI 0.99 0.88, 1.13 1.05 0.91, 1.22   AUCb 0.840 0.792, 0.889 0.898 0.859, 0.936 0.833 0.783, 0.883 0.899 0.861, 0.937 LR testc p < 0.001 p < 0.001 Odds ratios (ORs) in bold typeface are statistically significant aNatural logarithm of CTCS + 1 bArea under the receiver operating characteristic curve cLikelihood ratio test comparing model without CTCS and model including CTCS