Acknowledgments Funding was provided by EPSRC grant EP/D079055/1 and the Leverhulme Trust grant F/00 125/AA. Support for R.G.L. was provided by the U.S. Department of Defense, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), project ER-1552. Support for U.G. was provided by Alcoa and the U.S. Department of Defense, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), project ER-1491. Supporting Information Available Details of previous experimental studies, the statistical analysis of the predictive relationships without Hunters Point data and the logarithm of fitted release rates, log Dapp,fast/R2, of the readily desorbed PCB mass fraction versus the logarithm of the sediment−water distribution coefficient, log Kd. This information is available free of charge via the Internet at Supplementary Material es902325t_si_001.pdf es902325t_si_002.pdf