Fig. 5 Proposed Open AUC data analysis and data management infrastructure: shown are the UltraScan data analysis and LIMS database, the supercomputer module, the AU-AOS data collection and instrument operating system containing the sample service module (SSM), the protocol service module (PSM), machine service module (MSM), and the optical system operations (OSO), and tools for the integration of legacy data. The network data server provides an XML interface between the AU-AOS and the LIMS system, and facilitates LIMS access by third party data analysis and interpretation software. Sednterp3 is a solution definition and calculation program. The US LIMS component stores experimental data, results, analyte information, the subscriber list, and other ancillary data. The UltraScan grid control module is responsible for managing analysis queues on the Teragrid infrastructure and communicating results with the US LIMS