There are clinical and histological differences in the presented family as compared with SOS1-related gingival fibromatosis, which might reflect the different molecular causes of the disease. As frequently seen in HGF, an overall cell poor increase in gingival tissue with scarce blood vessels and islets with dense fibroblasts comparable to the findings in the Chinese family originally defining the GINGF3 locus [6] was noted in our patients contrasting with SOS1-related gingival fibromatosis, which features a higher increase in the number of fibroblasts compared with the increase in extracellular matrix [18]. The family presented here is also remarkable in that all patients consistently had an early onset of the disease, at the time of eruption of the primary teeth, also similar to the original Chinese GINGF3 family [6], together arguing for a clinically recognizable subtype of adHGF linked to GINGF3.