Table 1 Distributions of positive, negative and dual (auto)regulatory interactions, mean path length16 and observed maximum out- and in-degrees for different sections of the E. coli transcriptional cross-regulatory network shown in Fig. 1 Network section No. of TFs Autoregulations Positive autoregulations Negative autoregulations Dual autoregulation Regulatory arcsa Positive arcs Negative arcs Dual arcs Average path lengthb Maximum out-degreec Maximum in-degreec All 115 80 (70) 24 (30) 48 (60) 8 (10) 166 90 (54) 67 (40) 9 (6) 2.74 42 9 Carbon sources 24 19 (79) 5 (26) 9 (48) 5 (26) 27 20 (74) 6 (22) 1 (4) 1.53 20 2 Biofilm and motilityd 32 18 (56) 9 (50) 9 (50) 0 52 22 (42) 27 (52) 3 (6) 3.12 8 9 Values in parentheses are percentages. Subnetworks for alternative carbon sources and for biofilm and chemotaxis development processes are defined in Fig. 2a. Note that while the carbon sources module has a relatively high maximum out-degree compared to the biofilm/motility module, the latter has a higher maximum in-degree, clearly suggesting that the motility TF, flhCD (with nine inputs), is directed by several TFs to control its regulation. a Regulatory interactions from TFs to others TFs or towards sigma factors. b Average path lengths in the (sub)network(s) were calculated with the ViSANT program.16 c Excluding sigmas. d Only the TFs forming cascades ending on biofilm and chemotaxis modules were computed, the autoregulation of CRP was computed in the carbon sources module (Fig. 2a).