Influenza is usually an acute, self-limited respiratory tract infection that begins with the sudden onset of high fever, followed by inflammation of the upper respiratory tree and trachea, with coryza, cough, headache, prostration, malaise and other signs and symptoms that persist for 7–10 days (Taubenberger and Morens, 2008). The virus replicates in both the upper and lower respiratory tract. In experimental infections in healthy volunteers, influenza A viral replication peaks approximately 48 h after inoculation into the nasopharynx, declining thereafter, with usually little or no virus shed after 6 days. However, viral antigen can still be detected in cells from the respiratory tract and secretions of infected individuals by enzyme immunoassay for several days after infectious virus can no longer be recovered (Wright et al., 2007). A summary of current animal models available for studying benign seasonal influenza is presented in Table 2 . Table 2 Summary of current animal models available for studying benign disease associated with seasonal influenza. Virus Disease Model Animal Model References Influenza A strains Mild Pathogenesis Mouse Gambaryan et al. (2005) Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) BALB/cJCitMoise (B/c) A/NIB/26/90M (H3N2) A/SnJCitMoise A/NIB/23/89M (H1N1) CBA/CaLacSto A/NIB/23/89-MA (mouse adapted) C57BL/6LacSto 

 Influenza A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) Mild Pathogenesis Ferret Svitek et al. (2008) Influenza A/Port/ Chalmers/173 (rat adapted after 11 passages in rats Mild Pathogenesis Rat (Rattus) Brown Norway Fischer-344 Sprague–Dawley Daniels et al. (2003) 

 Swine influenza A strains Mild Pathogenesis Pig Vincent et al. (2007) X98 H3N2 A/SW/CO/23619/ 99 H3N2 A/SW/IA/00239/2004 rH1N1 

 Influenza A H1N1 Mild Pathogenesis/Pneumonia Pigtailed macaque Baas et al. (2006) A/Texas/36/91