Morphometric analysis of nanoparticle injected eyes. Rows of nuclei (top row) and OS thickness (bottom row) were measured in 3–5 eyes per group. The average of 10 uninjected control eyes is shown by the gray dashed line, ±standard deviation (shaded in gray). Black lines represent results from two individual nanoparticle injected animals. N, nasal side; T, temporal side. At PI-30 no substantial changes in the number of ONL rows are detected. CBA-NMP and IRBP-NMP injected animals show some increase in OS layer thickness near the injection site. At PI-120 CBA-NMP injection has no effect on retinal morphometry, while IRBP-NMP mediates moderate increases in both OS layer thickness and the number of rows of ONL nuclei. (7.06 MB TIF)