We employed the same data set of non-redundant interacting protein complexes reported by [11]. The set of 147 complexes was selected from a comprehensive set of 180 proteins taken from the PDB. 25 of these 147 complexes are involved in Enzyme-inhibitor (ENZ) interactions, 21 in non-Enzyme-inhibitor (nonENZ) interactions, 14 in hetero-obligate (HET) interaction, and 87 in homo-obligate (HOM) interactions as shown in Table 1. Proteins sharing > 20% sequence identity with a higher resolution structure of the same complex type were removed. Crystal packing structures were also eliminated by investigating the evidence in the literature that the complex occurs naturally and is stable as a dimer. NMR structures were not used, neither were mutant complexes nor structures whose resolution was > 3.0 Å; permanent complexes are more easily available from stable complexes by x-ray crystallography. Transient PPIs often neither form stable complexes nor give good NMR structures. This is reflected in the small number of validated transient complexes available in the PDB.