Figure 6 Differential effects of alternative splice variant-expressing adenoviruses on collagen-induced arthritis mice. On the day of arthritis onset, mice received intravenously 1 × 107 plaque-forming units of the indicated alternative splice variant (ASV)-expressing adenoviruses. Clinical scores ((a), (c), and (e))and paw thickness measured by calipers ((b), (d), and (f))were recorded daily. Data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance versus untreated mice (Table 3). (a) and (b) Mice received adenoviruses expressing either LacZ (○), VEGFR1-541 (■), VEGFR2-712 (▲) or VEGFR3-765 (●), or remained untreated (□). Data are means of n = 5 per group. (c) and (d) Mice received adenoviruses expressing either LacZ (○), Met-877 (■), Tie1-751 (▲) or FGFR1-320 (●), or remained untreated (□). Data are means of n = 6 per group. (e) and (f) Mice received adenoviruses expressing either LacZ (○), RAGE-387 (■), PDGFRβ-366 (▲), c-Kit-413 (●), or CSF1R-306 (◆), or remained untreated (□). Data are means of n = 6 per group.