Fig. 3 Embryonic stem cells produce youthful microniche in culture. (A) As opposed to immediate exposure to old mouse serum after passaging (10% old), preculturing of hESCs for 24 h in feeder-free conditions, e.g., Matrigel™ + MCM, prior to replacing MCM with MCM + 10% old mouse sera, resulted in continuously high BrdU incorporation and Oct4 expression (embryonic microniche + 10% old). BrdU was added for the last 2 h of culture to measure the rate of cell proliferation. Immunodetection of BrdU and Oct4 (both in red) was performed as described in Experimental procedures. Hoechst (blue) labels nuclei. (B) Three independent experiments yielded similar results and were quantified as percentage of BrdU+/Oct4+ for each condition. * indicates P < 0.001 as compared to ‘old + MCM’. F